Think, do, receive.... many we receive thanks,
Being after something done,
If not assume thanks focused on how, whether for evil, beauty or thank you,
Those of donkeys depend on the recipients,
The pleasurable or pain who received the thank you that sent to the heart,
we quit and who received perhaps be treated, be you, and it all comes from and how it will be done, incase its good may be thought not simply as it did, whether it's bad or good is the meaning of gratitude as it came,
And is recorded as he/she knows thanks, i.e. how it obtained,
If such is kicking the ass or the thank you will seem not to appreciate it,
Simply we say that’s usually, we want to be different without the knowledge or discover we have chosen...
Who now will give us?
Since we do is as we have found, if we do shortened right,
If we do not have goals, and good understanding landing suppose we consider well,
and where we used to think that we might not know, we might not know we were wondering what more we can be surprised when we did we were wondering why,
And understand or rather it is we think we did?
Let’s not consider the devil, and this throws a lot to fear because we have our own other...
It is good to accept we do not understand than to understand without understanding,
We wish thanks were given to others than those we imagine,
Fire clung to steel; changed to iron, and in any case will be yes we think,
Our thoughts should direct our ideas into practice,
Especially as when we believe,
Even if we thought bad but to be good to God, meaning and we will be unable to answer questions of what is thought to be as good as even these bad we could not use properly
Receive gratitude as a gift after the act, doing well is a gift signifies
Put our ideas and thoughts in the right direction
By; Benson G.Makaya
Tel: +255 714 33 66 57
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