If it is from top to bottom,
Below the lowest ale or rudely in there,
There were and attentive without being good and sometimes we say it is bad
Were hold is now need help,
Were hold is now need help,
Because even those who have power have
decided to step down,
That’s falls one do not speak more of what
that cant be.
For why such collapse would not fall upon in there,
Because she/he who drop out at the bottom remained
And to whom on to be as big surprise
Preferably we forget our words when we were kids,
Preferably we forget our words when we were kids,
We said
and that's why here a Hail worsen,
in jest but time is moving,
Look at least that we are older,
Since children have their own,
never child can not .
According to the great man if that is ill,
Remember that dance Children,
It alive on its own way,
old have become more sophisticated,
They grew up with the youth that exist in
this period and they finish power of the nation,
Though it was a period of youthful for them.
For now parents are unable to do anything
with the children grow in a way they can in them ways,
We refrained from someone being white,
Being an Arab or is that britain?,
it must be someone who wants to be in different communities and its
She/he would reveal that there is a comparison
more to do,
Were first shown last is the way Which does the beginning that become the end Again,
As has returned with a few mistakes that faces us at the middle of our journey before
it settles.
Those who scroll not those pleasing,
Those who scroll not those pleasing,
If not said so beautifully,
every person has his/her speaking from or to the people wether are bad,
Then it will be a battle of liking beauty
of necessity,
Whether we come from the journey's
Look at our baggage not to forget outside,
the few we found we are pleasing to know that we have money,
We managed to behold are we doing to be
able to walk well,
Because some do not know telling you lack
But they do,the elderly
Is not bad because yes they had and walked
like that
Even if there came a stranger,
Hand him/her plow him/her,
Tell that in travelers park their own and have
paid a lot of money,if they want discomfort,
lime and the guests for not coming and shovels themselves look at where we
learnt and teacher who is stranger,
we must ask ourselves first where is?
As seems not look at the man who can,
time passed and will be followed is our means we are older,
we agreed to stop benefits for We harassed simply because information away can
come to being need Us and must be prepared because we are leading,
Lets look to
The parent of another person is told the son of another that has no discipline,
Preferably known as courteous it is good that we leave for our parents.
'It doesn’t Simplfy the Elders'.
By: Benson G.Makaya,
Tel: +255714336657
'It doesn’t Simplfy the Elders'.
By: Benson G.Makaya,
Tel: +255714336657