Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Makaya's Forum: THINK, DO, RECEIVE...

Makaya's Forum: THINK, DO, RECEIVE...: Think, do , receive.... many we receive thanks, Being after something done, If not assume thanks focused on how, whether for evil, b...


Think, do, receive.... many we receive thanks,
Being after something done,
 If not assume thanks focused on how, whether for evil, beauty or thank you,
Those of donkeys depend on the recipients,
The pleasurable or pain who received the thank you that sent to the heart,

we quit and who received perhaps be treated, be you, and it all comes from and how it will be done, incase its good may be thought not simply as it did, whether it's bad or good is the meaning of gratitude as it came,
 And is recorded as he/she knows thanks, i.e. how it obtained,
 If such is kicking the ass or the thank you will seem not to appreciate it,
 Simply we say that’s usually, we want to be different without the knowledge or discover we have chosen...
 Who now will give us?

Since we do is as we have found, if we do shortened right,
If we do not have goals, and good understanding landing suppose we consider well,
 and where we used to think that we might not know, we might not know we were wondering what more we can be surprised when we did we were wondering why,
 And understand or rather it is we think we did?

 Let’s not consider the devil, and this throws a lot to fear because we have our own other...
It is good to accept we do not understand than to understand without understanding,
We wish thanks were given to others than those we imagine,

 Fire clung to steel; changed to iron, and in any case will be yes we think,
 Our thoughts should direct our ideas into practice,
 Especially as when we believe,

Even if we thought bad but to be good to God, meaning and we will be unable to answer questions of what is thought to be as good as even these bad we could not use properly

Receive gratitude as a gift after the act, doing well is a gift signifies
Put our ideas and thoughts in the right direction

By; Benson G.Makaya
Tel: +255 714 33 66 57



Self is a concept of awake, do something to benefit positively,
 We are committed iniquity;
We are as people without a diagnosis,
It is not necessary for everyone to do what a particular has made,

 Every man suppose to do what is right for him,
 One who does something or something right is a man, who is positive,
 It is who we can call is aware of them selves,
 Not for those who do wrong and ask forgiveness,
 Because he/she who asked for forgiveness is aware of themselves
In their own way,

 Maybe he/she will do evil knowing there is forgiveness,
 I can not say we should ask for forgiveness when we do wrong,
 But to fear the word also,

 Afraid to do wrong because our time to live is limited,
 Although we have divided them into age groups and persons,

 But all are equal, are equal as when lion be as your livestock and then the offense for him is to eat you and he will eat you for its his food is meat and it is right food for eating,

 And came over creation harsh they intensified harm then have realized more that should become aware,
 to know we live by bread alone, we live with dignity and wisdom, we live in ourselves, we need help to lift our souls,

To know why we eat, do work and as others do not understand is why they are attending school,
Unaware of until reaches the age they drew what talents,

Knowledge is not brilliant for anyone who wants to get he found it,
Education is an asset

Benson G.Makaya
Tel: +255714336657


We remember where we have a problem, a problem not meaning that it recognized today, if possible, stay silent,

 Because the pictures and colors had proved we mean,
 Will continue to remain there, as it’s the drawing we draw as realistically probably add for now, the trouble is we who are down, we want from downward and upwards
, to those who believe it is not disruptive,
 Another time they understood that they are not remembrance,
 If we ask questions will say we have many things to do,
These things are not helpful until they destroyed, and here we can all become lower, as had decided impairment itself,

Coming with any assistance and seem to be a factor, other factors are totally inadequate, especially when it occurs.
Not only for the anger and life have reached far, far is exceeded when we feel it,
Enemies are to cover the real, maybe we were enemies of them from what we expect,
 Depending on the items we have done to be correct,
 Because the picture starts with the beginning, accompanied by illustrations,
 We see pictures different from the illustrations that’s needed there should aggressively come back in different ways to reach faith,

To live is to believe; believing is living with the person he/she knows in the sense of being able and active even in public,
 And if anger was filled with the faith is filled in your life too,
We get frustrated much to see they occurred in a difference,
We agonized and despairing even if we came different than if we forget the trials,
We forget failures and impossibilities, because if there are other things not possible of what took place?
 Lest it became a life sustaining minority because in faith they give to us their act together.

When doctor mix a dose it’s not that he/she does not know but mixture done,
 If a patient seen even in the eyes whom can be defeated?

Though it is  few succeed, but there is other fish in the lake, we caught fish today we got  few, we take courage to say the rest tomorrow will be fact, without knowing they come from Where, or with them then they decided that there is famine, so let's come close,
Though men may relish... All things are possible,

The question of the foundation is to know, though it is difficult but possible for one who needs to be not necessarily why it has not been all.

 Here is similar to putting you trust a thief can not steal .when we expect unknowingly defender who is guarding.
When exceed not flee away until fall, others were taught as young and others to call one's prime even the spelling is different, though really becomes wrong sometimes. Again let’s keep diversity that sleep hungry many we understand problems, insect problem is solution,
In solution here everyone is having his/hers, it may surprise you with what we remember because we forget allot.
Let’s not keep ourselves in doing things, there are those who hold themselves unable to stretch and later came to be problems,
Perhaps we should think of things and does not need to remember them, as when we remember we have tolerated them.
 Now for sweet or bad, the problem is to understand, one who understood the humorous to remember because it often happens, he/she has become accustomed.

By: Benson G. Makaya,
Tel: +255714 33 66 57

Makaya's Forum: REFRECTIONS…!!

Makaya's Forum: REFRECTIONS…!!: Thinking is a need to fix something, due to ideas, so the concept may be thinking , thinking is an act, modify it to do, Thoughts are...

Makaya's Forum: REFRECTIONS…!!

Makaya's Forum: REFRECTIONS…!!


Thinking is a need to fix something, due to ideas, so the concept may be thinking, thinking is an act, modify it to do,
 Thoughts are filled activities for them; being as thought the real is no necessity to have it as either right,
 It will be so,
 That every man has his thoughts,
With the objective man is extending the concept to achieve them,
It all if we believe what we want to happen in setting us if it is after our actions or itself what we feel. Happen is to do,
We want to achieve what is good; our thoughts are accurately reflects our thinking is as it known tells us for what we think is exactly what we would do if only occasionally.
Sometimes not to be seem for one who does and that comes from being unknown,
 The One who did may have little knowledge, though he/she can see,
 The appearance is the most we can, that's why it became our idea sent us different place and time.
Often we were sitting with our thinking, we believe in is themselves, although those of a man is given his own,
 if we do or show us the meaning of what we do, bad are very much if the whole there is, its bad.
this is exactly we do with every thought of every one us if the one who does also says that it is better now I know we follow what,
 even if not to follow the thinking we have followed How to here we are, because we could not come at this time without knowing where we come from, so we went we can do it?
Then lets see what little they did others that suppose its good, because even if we follow the wonderful people will become like them
 more evil comes when we will think more, and then we'll find there on one side you stand on one side the other first, that one soul has been through the other, and sometimes the souls that will be imitated much less well as it doth also in the first,
 This will excite even those who are called saints; we will raise more than those we need to call them saints,
if even to Him who followed directions he followed another way, it is just using your way there, do so provided the answer be the same, this is life and not class .a class maybe .. life is like to see the diversity of teachers, students, buildings and all circumstances of this school called life, meaning in turn that including environment.
If the school missed is difficult for someone to explain the concept is about, not that it is impossible,
 But can be impossible to understand if the concept is different, not like 1 +1 = 2 or the number of categorically no to let the answer which has taught knows, or he/she had forgotten,
 At the period we understand how we can is capable of handling our thinking, humans are living separate and that is genius,
 For higher genius of one man is different from another, perhaps we should tell each other about the growth of our thinking,
Lest we fail with this class of life, seeking to understand how that concept one need to understand it,
the goal is to understand, and this understanding you should understand, as it grows difference is the way to expand awareness, since the difference comes when someone understand correctly, and if someone has seen the difference it can not do it again differently unless his thoughts sent him/her to…and not one who would understand,
 Others have found it difficult, if they want to understand the manner that they understand them, we arrived there we do not understand…no compromise,
as each person understands  is to know what is the primary we forced to speak to be understood there is a compromise but who understands those especially those forced, because they grew up with the same mind of anyone they force categorically understood.

By: Benson G. Makaya
Tel: +255 71 33 66 57.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Makaya's Forum: AGE...

Makaya's Forum: AGE...


If there will be we have a diagnosis and not perceive it will be meaningless,
As there shall restore back in where we sit and say these things never was there,
It would be if we heard it, we understand again,
not as more as one understand,

To be how we should understand,
and even to read well, we palace and leaders in our country and other parts headed not to assert when and if the times have passed,
During which our parents see the time coming that is these and see what, what we did before is that suite us now,

Because we can say we are not attending school and at school there were no times,
Or not it is mandatory schooling and time required to farm, was the best time for life were understood literally,
Much has being done is spent,

if the times and seasons is done when the act identity is available.
Unlike now, we come to the end and we know we were studying for what,
And this comes after the expectations to be different,

Most we graduated from school and failed to get a job we often feel we have lost a long time too, we forget that period lost it we ask God to help our own,
or rather be different and how we want?

Here we call fools or dogs because we have to deny it, if God is good; he wants men to do well,

When the difference is the manner in which we prepare ourselves, it can not come because if we were not doing life now we return times,
As it is we ourselves who live, are we ourselves who allow these times, if you're going or remaining time is going,

We can be we know to count hours in our home and we know the number of these on our settlements, i.e. why we work??,
Lest it was we move forward in time,
lest it became we waste time pass that in itself is very tough,
then you will come to another,
And when continuously difficult that we have failed,
because the need or what suppose to be done early will loose space even then,
Do so if we have problems as which is different leave in its own way.

Not animals we help in our belongings, we have obtained to eat,
Because every time people have no time,
this time to reflect and think no time
I know where you come from,
because if we turn our thoughts to think what we thought if it is correct or not correct, then we will know how long used,
And correct to exist with each other,
Since the goal is not everybody do to me,
not do everything that we respect the time in a way that has been, so but we have to respect time if we are pleasing to God,
each one as he pleased his god,
 and the goal to be each other to find happiness has the need provided that we pass over the borders, and to spend this time must know borders to do the talking,

As a teacher when he/she teaches student expects the student to understand,
But not how he/she would understand,
to be understood,
no teacher than one who appears to be the teacher,
look at us not to hurt each other,
 force to like  the existing space for fear of times
As if it came all the time we should let even those who raised them will claim their rights, whether we know it probably we have to follow of us for the time they are getting into.

Let’s not wonder plant grain of maize one to grow maize grown,
Maybe we should place questions to our parents whence the meaning we would wonder a lot,

we must know the time is running out of hand,
 for the items covered and time was limited and we do things quickly and then we fail,
We say not the exception, where we have,
we have failed to go along with the time because it is not at all similar,
each one has its time, and we believe we CAN.
When we will believe we can go and when.

By: Benson G.
Tel: +255714 33 66 57.

Makaya's Forum: UNDERSTANDING.

Makaya's Forum: UNDERSTANDING.: We do and say a lot, being that it brings an understanding or misunderstandings within the community, it is likely that we have a...


We do and say a lot,

 being that it brings an understanding or misunderstandings within the community,
 it is likely that we have as yet we discover this, 
if not the means to be lower,
 as are Many we could rise up if it is successful,
 If so we should know less how was because we can not build up if under our foundation was bad,
We put a lot of good color became attractions but we understand if even as we have choices to continue and they have beautiful colors,
 Because even if the foundation is rotten must show us a better light by selecting the good one,
 Sometimes good becomes evil if they are different to us,
 Its only the color that differentiate,
 and we understand that we should not be the brightest
since many nourishes themselves does not appear to have reality if we want to just brightness.

Nothing hard for man to understand, 

and what a lot we can are our problems,
Think there is unless we can or we will fight and what if not wanting to?
We left it off and if it is almost everyone ought to know whence he/she is,
 As can be for us all and we failed our selves,
 We failed to understand what we want to understand all if everyone wants to understand his/hers,
 Things have begun to damage long much;
 maybe now seem to end,
If where we are headed is death, 
and would not have understood death more deaths will happen, 
Because it would be a good killing each other for political proportions,
 So long we get chances of those will be killers and others do not,
 Generations to come without faith is the same as the first,
 As we said many things now,
 not as old as we do when we are still the same old,
 If not that we do not understand but we understand well.
It helium aspire to marry but not the wife of a colleague, 

we use up our differences and how should we desire,
 Those who have problems are those without it as they struggle with it or do not know how to resolve them if they stayed with it,
 A handicap is not a problem because if we choose to be born in how we want all we would be leaders,
 Because the leader is the man he/she believes to be but does not aim to be a leader,
 there is time we can aspire to be white,
 Maybe with our understanding,
 And it would be advisable to ask whites what's more they run with,
 Because if so we have to exchange when we understand the value of it less will mean we will call their self poor because we created this world
 If words are to dominate with our faith because we are knowing the true for instance of Word that is why we say GOD,
 to know, 
realise so we can understand,
If mean abundance is unlikely to understand the difference even a few of these available.
In this world now, 

there has been interaction to understand,
If others understand how the medication and others are understood as they proved.
 There understand the paperwork and understand through our own,
 Understanding reveals a man's become the power of threats,

 How still we understood the difference,
Problems confined,
 is a question of when you come to know,
 Would be we know since we are children we said to each other,

 But that from the stress must be out of us first,
 And we came out we know we are heading where mean we can leave and to blame that we were out and we had nothing,
 Or people there we seek,
 we must prepare ourselves to do, 
as we do
we are us,
Especially can be yours,
 we write and read a lot we want to look into this, 
because our problems are there.

By: Benson G. Makaya
Tel: +255714 33665 7.


Mwanzo ni mzuri,mwanzo ndiyo kina cha urembo,kina cha uwezo wa kufikiri kabla,mwanzo ndiyo muonekano wa kitu,ikiwa katika yote kuna mabaya na mazuri,tunaporudi mwanzo ni lazima tulienda mahala,tena sijui tunaweza kuwa tulifika mbali au ni karibu,mara nyingine tunarudi mwanzo baada ya kumaliza mwisho,vyote hivi ni katika yote yakiwa matendo na fikra,tujue kama ni mabovu,mema au ni yapi hayo.Safari inapofika ni lazima kuelekea,hapa huwa inakuwa haina mbele wala nyuma,safari sio kifo mpaka tukaseme tunaelekea kaburini,pale inapotulazimu inatubidi kufanya,pale inapobidi kufanya iwe na kusudi,kwa kukusudia pia tunaweza tusisahau mpaka tukarudi mwanzo,maana ikiwa tutakusudia kutokufanya hivyo.

Yale mapya yanaweza kustaajabisha ulimwengu kwa kiasi kikubwa sana,ikiwa kwa wengine walianza mwanzo mpaka kufika mwisho bila kujua kama kuna kitu kimesahaulika,wengine hata hawakuanza lakini walisema hivi ni nini kinachohitajika?eti ili mradi ikifika zamu ya kwao wengine wasisahau,kumbe walisahau walikuwa nje ya uwanja,yanaposemeka maneno kwa kila mmoja ajue ni yake,maana ingali inasemekana itasemeka tu,sio mtoto wala mkubwa anayeweza kumsahau mzazi wake,wala hata mzazi mwenyewe kumsahau mzazi wake,maana ndiyo mwanzo wake,kule mbali tunapofikiria ni zaidi ya kurudi nyuma,maana ikiwa ni sawa na kuangua korosho kwa kuukata mti  mzima,tena tukawa na tegemeo la kupata tena korosho hiz,ikaja tushikane mashati kwa kukosa korosho kwa muda uliotakikana 

Safari yetu sio ndefu sana,ila safari tuliyotoka hakika ilikuwa madhubuti,tukisema tuifikirie safari inayokuja na kuiita kwa jina yenyewe ni ndefu tutakuwa tumeelewa ule urefu wa mwanzo,tena mwanzo ukabadilika na usiwe madhubuti tena,kwa wengine watafikiria iweje iwe safari,nini ni  ndefu,au ipi ni madhubuti naye asipojua isemekane tunazungumzia maisha,sasa kuna wengine tunawaita watafsiri wao wakalinganishwa kilicho kuwa cha habari na habari yenyewe.mwanzo ni mgumu sana na imefika bora kusemea hivyo kwani wengi tunapenda vile virahisi,safari hizi za hapa na pale angalau kusiwe na foleni,ukisikia mwanaadamu anatamani bora kuishi MBWA akiwa nchi za ughaibuni kuliko kuwa yeye TANZANIA,AFRIKA huyo ndiye MBWA HASWA,maana ameufahamu uumbwa,jinsi ulivyo katika namna yake kwa kufanya  na kutamani.

Mwanzo unaoanza ndiyo mwisho unaokuja,kwa lolote jambo tukalifikiria ndiyo hasa likawe,maana linapokuwa ndiyo mwisho wake,tena mwisho wa jambo huwa haufikiriki kama mwanzo yakuwa ya mwanzo mengi yapo tofauti na mwisho,mwishoni ndiyo kuna majibu yote na hapo ndiyo tuone,haina haja ya kusema tutaona maana mwisho ndiyo huu,tuangalie tusirudi nyuma,vingine havina maana ya kusaidiana na vyenzake hapa mwishoni,vipo vingi vitu vinavyofanyika na kuonekana mwishoni ikiwa mwanzo vilisahaulika,hapa tunahitaji kuamini,tena tuamini katika namna tunavyoweza ili kuepusha mwingiliano wa IMANI,maana imani si kitu cha mchezo,nikiwa na maana haichezwi,imani si ya kuisahau na kuirudia,Kama ilisahaulika ni lazima tujue tunarudi nyuma kuifata imani ipi,maana ya hii iliyopo kutoweza kufanya kazi.

By:          Benson G. Makaya,
Tel:       +255 714 33 66 57.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Makaya's Forum: CAREFULLY.

Makaya's Forum: CAREFULLY.: Let's look and see is we used in the diversity of how including the machine or machines are used as if our models? By meaning we ar...


Let's look and see is we used in the diversity of how including the machine or machines are used as if our models?
By meaning we are the machine itself as made from our models also.
 Better this case because there was no need to adjust what is not reality,
Seriously must awake that we have become lazy, we want to work and we know there are what we follow occupational,
It does not need to force the teachers while the students themselves do not understand,
 We say to instruct students will interfere with the responsibilities of teachers,
 And may be an abomination for all that time school student, why we learn?
 Or we know we do not like what we do, because our behavior is taught to be done,
 If the see or hear all that we must be careful with it,

Because what goes no matter the direction comes around here we are,
We get confusion by not being careful, being careful monitoring of our stuff,
We do that we sent each time,
As the coming period we tired forwarded deployed as a machine,
 If we were taken to then there are those that have sent us to bring,
and they may decide to take us over when we get tired,
Will not be a slave,
 Not be suffering,

Is similar to something not know,
Maybe in a way it's going to happen so it will mean that will be,
Perhaps caution us consider and decide that we need to recognize.
The person who taught without knowledge of its environment has difficulties to be called teacher, as its not must
 but that there is a lack of thinking better to be survival for prevalent when we decide that you can not then we refuse to steal,

And when we come to arrests understand we were like the wheels of the vehicle,
If there is a corner we were interrupted only therefore not strange in the way he/she will understand,
Few of us know how we can ascertain,

Direction of master class determines what they are telling the teacher,
The way is often seen due to the weather,
 Though we see the logic,
 But we found us going somewhere we do not know,

 All this and still we see, perhaps these needed repairs every time with people they know, for us poor,
We cry all the time, not that we are not careful,
 Because the other is not the doctor.

We are not children when we cry; we give pain we have when we think we left until we came,
Like a man when he makes labor and sweat so it is suffering the heart where supposed to be right.
If they build, power not finish what they had the down payment,
Including allows us not allow the first admonition to examine themselves students,
So that we can turn the map the man who carefully errs them, 


 The more we continue with our attention to what the front will look alike and back also.
Carefully indicated as changed from top to under the other is easy to collapse itself, remember what salvation is,

And if we have been saved yesterday does not need to repeat for the rest
As they need also other to save themselves because we have given everything,
 And He does not have to see it do anything and he will understand this,
 Because again if those who do not have given the ultimate opportunity in wining,

 If limited and focused thought is that you can be our strength.
Ooh GOD!!

By: Benson G.Makaya.
Tel: +255714 33 66 57


Makaya's Forum: LINALOKATAZWA LINAHITAJI KUENDELEA: Yote yaliyopo yapo katika muda,ikiwa muda unapita ...

Friday, February 24, 2012


Yote yaliyopo yapo katika muda,ikiwa muda unapita na mateso ama starehe vinakuzidi,kwa wale wasio teseka labda watuambie raha zao maana wasipojua na kwa wengine nayo hayo ni mateso,kwa lolote lenye muda uliopitwa lina haki ya kukumbukwa,kwani kwa kile akitendacho mtu wakati wowote na mahala popote ni dhamana yake katika maisha yake hakuna kile kibaya kama kile kilicho kizuri kwa zawadi yake kuwa yale mema mitaani hali imeharibika ikiwa watu wanaona ni kheri kupumzika kuliko kupigika,waliopigika haina haja ya kuhadithia kwani kila mtu anapigika katika namna atakavyoweza kupiga,muda unapopita kinachopotea sio muda bali ni mambo yale ambayo yanapaswa kufanyika katika ule muda.

Utakaa na vipaji chako ukisema unaweza au ukaona umefanya ukajisifia umeweza hapo utakuwa umeweza kweli kwani haina haja ya kumtizamia mwenzako wakati wewe ndiyo kwanza u mwanzo,taabu ije pale mtu anapoambiwa hajaweza na ujue imejulikanaje,maana uliambiana haina haja ya kumtazamia mwenza ugomvi kwa muda Fulani ni vyema kwani ni njia ya kuleta amani,amani ni imani.,asikukataze mtu kupenda ufanyacho hapa ikiwa unafanya chochote na una mlengo nacho,akatazaye aonyeshe lililo bora ilivyo zaidi linalokatazwa maana watanzania tumezaliwa na kwanini sio mimi huku tukisahau yale ya kwanini mimi,maana yao ya kujutia yanakuja baada ya kutenda ikawa umejifikiria na kukuta ni mabovu katika jamii tena kwa ugunduzi ikiwa ulishindwa kukatazwa,kumbe ile kwa nini mimi ni kujifunza zaidi ya kwa nini sio mimi,ningelikuwa mkubwa ningeliwakataza wale wa kwanini sio mimi.

Dunia hii ni ya kufurahisha sana,maana yale yanayokuwa matamu ndiyo yamewekewa sheria,tena isiwezekane kufanyika sio ya kwamba hakuna uwezo bali isifanyike,yaweza kuwa ni sawa na mwana akatazwapo kuchezea wembe na mzaziwe,kwani ungeliingia katika fikra za mwana naye ukamsikia akisema anataka akate kucha hapo ungempa wembe mpya,asije kujikata na ule wametumia watu wengi,apate ulio na makali na aone mapendezo ya ncha za kucha pindi akatapo,kumbe ikaja naye akataka kuona utamu kwa japo kujaribu kwa kipande cha wembe kilichotumika,alikatazwa bila hata ya sababu akaona kumkalipia mwana pasipo na sababu ya maelezo ni kumfanya aendelee

Kipindi Fulani imesikika kwa mzazi kutembea na wana,hapa ni kwamba hata mzazi na yeye hakujua alipoambia huyu ni mama yako au ni baba yako,maana inapaswa hata aibu sasa isipo kuwa wote katika nafsi hawafahamu kitu heshima,wanaokataza ni wakubwa tena wanaokatazwa ni wadogo,wakubwa ndiyo wanaweza kuwa wazazi wa wadogo,ikitokea wadogo ndiyo wamekuwa wazazi wa wakubwa hapa inabidi tutunge sheria kari sana,tena isiwe kuna kuzaliana tena maana tutakuwa ni mbwa,hivyo ndivyo wasemavyo wale wanaokataza wakiweka miiba ili hata mbuzi hao wakipita wapate kujichoma,endapo utakuwa kama mbwa walio na njaa ya kula kweli utajichoma sana na kuumia huku usifahamu dawa za maumivu ndiyo zilihitaji kufanya maendeleo,kwani ikiwa utapona na dawa hizo si utarudi kula majani yale tena?Njaa ya mmoja haimfikirii mwingine,ni namna ya kutaka kuendelea kuishi katika namna unazozipenda,na hapa haifai kuzikataza wacha ziume tu ili zisije zikaendelea.

By: Benson G Makaya,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Makaya's Forum: FIKRA.

Makaya's Forum: FIKRA.: Kufikiri ni kuwa na hitaji la kurekebisha jambo,kunatokana na mawazo,kwa hiyo fikra zinaweza kuwa ni mawazo,kufikiri ni kitendo,kure...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Makaya's Forum: MAKINI.

Makaya's Forum: MAKINI.: Tuangalie,tuone ni tunatumika katika utofauti wa namna gani ikiwa pamoja na mashine au mashine zinatumika ikiwa kama ni mifano yetu,zik...


NIangalie,Nione ni natumika katika utofauti wa namna gani ikiwa pamoja na mashine au mashine zinatumika ikiwa kama  ni mifano yangu,zikimaanisha mimi ndiyo mashine na zenyewe zimetengenezwa kwa mifano yangu pia.bora hivi ilivyo maana ikawa haina haja ya kuzoea kile kilicho halisia,kwa umakini ni lazima ujitambue ya kuwa nisiwe mvivu,nataka kazi na nisijue huko makazini kuna nini nachokifuata,Haina haja ya kuwalazimisha walimu na wakati wanafunzi wenyewe hawaelewi,nikisema waelekezwe wanafunzi nitaingilia majukumu ya walimu,tena inaweza kuwa chukizo kwani muda wote huo shuleni wanafunzi wanajifunza nini?au unavyovijua hujui kama ndivyo unavyovifanya,maana tabia yao ni kufundishwa ili iweze kufanyika,ikiwa kwa kuona ama kusikiliza yote ni lazima niwe na umakini nayo,kwani yale yanayopita yananipitia hapa nilipo,utachaanganyikiwa kwa kutokuwa makini,kwa kutokuwa mwangalifu na ufuatiliaji wa mambo yako usifanye kuwa unapelekwa kila mara,kwani itafika kipindi utachoka kupelekwa pelekwa kama mashine,ikiwa ulikuwa unapelekwa basi wapo waliokuwa wana upeleka peleka,na wao wanaweza wakaamua kukupeleka kipindi pale umechoka,hautakuwa utumwa,hayatakuwa mateso,ni sawa na jambo usilolijua,labda kwa namna itakavyo tokea ndivyo italeta maana itakayo kuwepo,labda kwa tahadhari ufikiri na uamue kwamba unahitaji kujitambua.

Yule anayefundisha bila kuyajua mazingira yake ana uwalakini wa kuitwa mwalimu,lakini ya kuwa kuna uhaba wa kufikiri bora ikawe kujikimu,maana imefikia wakati utaamua kuwa mwizi alafu ukakataza kuiba, ,na ukija kukamatwa uelewe ulikuwa kama magurudumu ya gari,ikiwa kuna kona ulikatishwa tu,kwa hiyo siyo mageni sana katika kutokuyaelewa,wachache wanaelewa  kwa jinsi tunavyoelewa,anapotangulia mwalimu darasa hupanga yale waliyoambiwa na mwalimu,njia mara nyingi huonekana kutokana na hali ya hewa,ingawa unaona kwa umakini lakini unajikuta ukielekea mahala usipopafahamu,na hii yote ikiwa bado unaona labda njia hizi zinahitajika kufanyiwa ukarabati kila muda na watu wakajua,maana tulio maskini tunalia muda wote,na sio kwamba hatupo makini,kwani mengine sio ya daktari.unapolia sio ni watoto,unatoa machungu uliyonayo ukifikiria ulipotoka mpaka ulipofika,kama mtu afanyapo kazi kwa nguvu na kutoa jasho ndivyo ilivyo kwa mateso ya moyo inapokupasa kulia.
Kama walivyojijengea,nguvu usimalize kwa yale waliyokuwekea,ikiwamo inaruhusu usiiruhusu kwanza,wajichunguze wenyewe wanafunzi,hata ukageuza ramani Yule aliyemakini hapotei kwao,ingawaje, zaidi uendelee na umakini wako ili yale ya mbele yakafanane na ya nyuma pia.Umakini unahitajika kwani yaliyobadilishwa kutoka juu kuja chini mengine ni mepesi yakaweza kudondoka yenyewe ,ukumbuke wokovu upo,na kama uliokolewa jana haina haja ya kurudia kwani wengine wanahitaji pia,vingine ujiokoe mwenyewe maana umepewa kila kitu,na Yule asiye nacho kwa kuona hivyo afanye lolote na ataelewa maana, ,maana tena ikiwa wale ambao hawawezi wamepewa nafasi za mwisho kabisa katika kufauru,ikiwa umakini mdogo pamoja na fikra  ndiyo huo unaweza kuwa uwezo wetu.

By:         Benson G.Makaya.


Kufikiri ni kuwa na hitaji la kurekebisha jambo,kunatokana na mawazo,kwa hiyo fikra zinaweza kuwa ni mawazo,kufikiri ni kitendo,kurekebisha ni kufanya,fikra hujaza matendo hayo,zikiwa kama fikra halisi huwa haina ulazima ya kuwa iwe vile ama hivi,itakavyo kuwapo ndiyo hivyo,ya kuwa kila mtu ana fikra zake,akiwa na malengo mwanadamu hupanua fikra ili kuyafikia,hiyo yote ikiwa tunaamini kwa yale tunayotaka yatokee katika mandhari yetu ikiwa ni baada ya matendo yetu au yenyewe tunayoyafikiria yatokee ndiyo tutende,tunapotaka kuyafikia yale yaliyo mema,fikra zetu ndiyo huonyesha usahihi wetu,fikra ndiyo zinatutambulisha kwani inasemeka kwa kile tunachokifikiria ndiyo hasa tutakacho kitenda ikiwa tu kimeonekana. Mara nyingine kisionekane kwa Yule anayetenda na hiyo inatokana na kuwa haijulikani,Yule anayetenda  anaweza kuwa na ufahamu mdogo ingawaje yeye mwenyewe akiona anaweza,kwa muonekano  ni wengi tunaweza,ndiyo maana ikawa  fikra zetu zikatutuma mahala na muda tofauti.

Mara nyingi tumekuwa tukikaa na fikra zetu,tukiziamini ndiyo zenyewe,ingawaje vile vya mtu anapewa yeye mwenyewe,ikiwa tunavitenda au tuonyeshe maana ya kile tunachokitenda,mabovu yapo mengi sana,ikiwa na mazima yapo,mabovu ni haya hasa tunayoyafanya kwa kila fikra za kila mmoja wetu ikiwa kwa Yule anayefanya pia naye anasema yake ni mazuri sasa sijui tunayafuata yapi,hata kama sio ya kuyafuata tufikiri tumeyafuata mangapi mpaka hapa tulipo,maana tusingeweza fika katika wakati huu bila kujua ni wapi tumetoka,hata tunapoenda tutayafanyaje hayo?basi tuyaangalie yale machache waliyofanya wengine yakaitwa ni mazuri,maana hata tukiwafuata watu wazuri tutakuwa kama wao zaidi kibaya kinakuja pale tutakapo fikiri zaidi,na hapo tutakuta kuna upande mmoja umetokezea katika upande mmoja ule mwingine wa kwanza,yaani nafsi moja imekuwa kupitia nyingine,na mara nyingine nafsi itakayo iga isifanye vizuri vile ilivyofanya ya kwanza,hapa tutachafua hata wale tuliowaita watakatifu,tutawakuza zaidi wale tunaohitaji kuwaita watakatifu ikiwa hata kwa Yule aliye fuata muelekeo alifuata njia nyingine,ni haki kutumia njia yako pale ufanyapo ili mradi jibu liwe sawa,hii ni katika maisha na sio darasani..maisha ni kama darasa.labda tuone utofauti wa walimu,wanafunzi,majengo na mazingira yote ya shule hii iitwayo maisha,maana kwa upande mwingine mazingira yanachanganya.

Kama shule ilishindikana ni vigumu kwa mtu kumweleza fikra ni nini,sio kwamba haiwezekani,ila inaweza kushindikana kuelewa ikiwa fikra ni tofauti,sio kama 1+1=2 au hesabu ya kinamna yeyote ili lije jibu ambalo kwa aliyefundishwa anajua,au atakuwa amesahau,ikafike kipindi tukaelewe ni namna gani tunaweza kuziendesha fikra zetu,binadamu tunaishi tofauti na hii inatokana na fikra,ikuzwapo fikra ya mtu mmoja ni tofauti na mwingine,labda tuambiane kuhusu ukuaji wa fikra zetu,isije tukashindwa na hili darasa la maisha kwa kutaka tuelewe namna ambayo fikra ya mmoja ikataka tuelewe hivyo,lengo ni kuelewa,na hili kuelewa inakupasa uelewe,vile inavyokuwa tofauti ndiyo njia ya kupanua uelewa,kwani utofauti unakuja pale mtu anapoelewa sahihi,na ikiwa mtu ameiona tofauti basi hataweza kuitenda tena tofauti labda iwe fikra zake zimemtuma,na sio kwa Yule anayetaka kuelewa,kwa wengine imekuwa ni vigumu,wao wakitaka kuelewa namna ile wanavyoelewa wao,tunapofika hapo tunakuwa hatueleweshani wala hakuna maelewano, kwani kila mtu anaelewa lake zaidi ni tujue lipi ni la msingi tutalazimisha kuongea ili ieleweke kuna maelewano lakini  watakaoelewa ni wale hasa wanaolazimisha,maana walikua na nia hiyo ya kueleweka kinamna yeyote walivyolazimisha.

By:       Benson G. Makaya,
Tel:     +255 71 33 66 57.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Makaya's Forum: MACHO YANAONA SAHIHI..: Ni wazi macho hutumika kwa kuangalia,kuona,kutazama yote yakiwa kama ni matendo yake,na hii yote inatokana na namna tofauti ambazo zim...


Ni wazi macho hutumika kwa kuangalia,kuona,kutazama yote yakiwa kama ni matendo yake,na hii yote inatokana na namna tofauti ambazo zimefikirika,na hata ukazifikia.macho ni moja kati ya viungo vya mwanadamu,NI macho!!

Pale mtu anapofahamu inapoelekea yeye mwenyewe katika nafsi yake kuwa na utambuzi na wakati mwingine unaweza usiwe wa kiujumla mtu wa kujielewa,unapoelekea ni mbali zaidi ya ulipotoka,ni kama pale umefika mahala  na kusahau yote uliyokuwa ukilalama nayo kwa mara ya mwanzo,yakiwa yale yamegeuka kuwa mazuri,na uzuri wake haujaja tu baada ya kuacha kulalama,bali ni pale uliposifia vizuri,maana unaweza kushukuru mungu kwa kufika bila kujua mahala unapoelekea,ulipo.tumshukuru mungu,tena kwa njia nyingine hazina waelekezaji…inahitaji nguvu kweli na uvumilivu ili kujua pia kuelekeza,si watakuja na wengine,wao ndiyo wakiwa hawajui kitu kabisaa,watatulilia pamoja na hata ukiwakataa utakuwa umezikataa nafsi zetu,maana ikiwa unakubari mifano hai isiyoonekana ,uangalie yasije timamu yasiyowezekana,yatatusumbua tu ingawa yanaonekana yasiyokuwa na ufahamu,tena hata kuwa na ubishi,wakiamini wao ndiyo wameishi,au tuone labda kama utasahau hata majina yetu maana ingali wote tungeitwa “SALUMU” ingelikuwa haina haja ya kuhukumu,labda ubaki ukituhumu ingawaje wanaonekana lakini ushaidi hautadumu,wanapoteza wao ili ieleweke wanayoitaka,maana ndiyo chaguzi pekee litakalo hii pekee usizani kwamba ni ya kwao tu hata kwako pia,yaani yangu ndiyo itabaki.maana kila mtu ataona ya kwake.

Yaliyopo yametoka mahala,yaliyopo sijui yametoka wapi,kwani nasema hivyo ya kuwa siyo yote mwanadamu akayafahamu,mengine yapo katika miliki na uwezo wa watu wengine,na endapo ukikubariana na hili basi lazima ujue kwamba lile au yale uliyoyashindwa ndiyo yetu,maana yangelikuwa si yetu usingeyafanya,au useme kweli sio yetu basi uangalie mara ya pili,maana wakati unavyosema si vile unavyomaanisha,ikiwezekana ujue wakati ni mwanadamu mwenyewe,kama kijana wa kiume akaota ndevu na asinyoe huo utakuwa ni wakati wake,amemaanika hata ikawe siyo mara ya pili ila ni tendo lililoonekana,maana kama tendo linaloeleweka ni litatimia kwa kitendo ni lazima ujue chanzo,ili  yakija mafuriko usilalame,maana ulijua yatakuja na kutuzomba,tena kwa walio mbali wafahamu..MAFURIKO!!.shida za kuonekana hazipaswi kumwinua  na kumtuma mwanadamu,anayeona na kutenda katika utatuzi ni mwana adamu mwenyewe,isifike kipindi ukalazimishwa kuishi,tena ikawe ni amri kwamba sasa ni “LAZIMA” ,ingawa usipoitumia lugha hii katika mambo yetu utashika mitutu,watoto wataona baba zao wanachokifanya na kwa sababu wao wamekuja kujifunza,wamekuja kukua,wamekuja ili wawe wakaitwe watu wazima na wakajue,watashika mitutu yenye technolojia ya kizazi chao,hapo vita itakuwa haina heshima..watoto wataonekana wakubwa,na kwa wakubwa labda uwasikilizie,ingawa wanasema vita haina baba. 

Tunapoelekea hakutazamwi mtu ukaambiwa ona,sio kwa macho.unapoelekea ni mbali lakini si kama kule ukasema ulipotoka,kwani wengine watasema ni karibu kutokana na maisha yao kiujumla,unapoelekea ndiyo kwa mungu.tunapokaribishana majumbani mwetu tunategemea HODI,kama kuna mgeni ataingia bila hodi huyo atakuwa mwenyeji sema ni sababu ya mgeni aliyetangulia hakumkuta mara ya kwanza.


By:        Benson G.Makaya,
Tel:     +255714 33 66 57.

Makaya's Forum: ELEWA 2

Makaya's Forum: ELEWA 2 :   Mateso ya moyo huudhoofisha undani wa mwili,unaweza kubadili mwelekeo hata ule uliotakiwa kuelekea baadaye n...